ils parlent
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Faites confiance à l'avis des médias populaires, locaux, spécialistes du design et écoutez les témoignages de nos clients et partenaires. 

We recently connected with FALQUERHO YANN and have shared our conversation below.

FALQUERHO, thanks for joining us, excited to have you contributing your stories and insights. We’d love to hear about a project that you’ve worked on that’s meant a lot to you.

In 2012, Saint-Jean-de-Monts, the second-largest seaside resort in France, approached me with a unique request. They wanted to create a two-month program for residents and summer visitors to experience the resort in a whole new way at night. I decided to design a one-room hotel – a giant sensory wooden box resembling a cargo ship that had lost its containers at sea. Inside, guests would sleep in an inflatable castle, just like the ones children play in on beaches. This box was also equipped with a trampoline, offering guests a fragmented view of the sea. For this project, I collaborated with a Franco-American perfumer to create a unique fragrance. The fragrance would be diffused in the evening when participants checked into this extraordinary hotel for their overnight stay. I also created a poetic film that used sound and visual archives to take viewers on a journey to discover the seaside resort as it was over 70 years ago. The project was a resounding success with both the public and the media!

As always, we appreciate you sharing your insights and we’ve got a few more questions for you, but before we get to all of that can you take a minute to introduce yourself and give our readers some of your back background and context?

I run a creativity and architecture agency that I founded over 20 years ago. After graduate business school and managerial positions in service companies, I decided to make a complete career change.

Inspired by a highly creative interior designer, I realized my sensitivity could be applied in a yet-to-be-invented profession. So I launched an Agency that works in two main areas: Interior architecture and highly creative projects for professionals. A specialty in tourism, where we implement innovative architectural and sensory experiences within destinations. We also offer architectural solutions for both companies and tourism development specialists For creative projects, we primarily focus on sensory solutions, including custom fragrances, sound design, and visual elements. Our goal is to provide solutions that allow professionals to offer unique, poetic, and emotionally engaging experiences to their clients. Singularity is at the heart of our service offerings.

We empower our clients to achieve truly novel solutions that fulfill the full potential of an experience, in both a poetic and complete sense. What I’m most proud of is daring to leave my ‘classic’ managerial and commercial roles 20 years ago to establish my own agency. Here, we create ever-evolving solutions and services that prioritize emotion. My talent ultimately lies in discovering other talents and fostering a collaborative environment. Ultimately, I’ve never lost my soul or sense of wonder!

Every day, I continue to work while having fun, honing my skills and refining my techniques through increasingly creative projects. My versatility, energy, and creativity are the driving force behind the success of DESIGN DÉSIRABLE. As an interior designer and inspired creative, I co-pilot ambitious projects with a diverse clientele. I leverage my dynamism, pragmatism, and expertise to fulfill my clients’ desires.

Is there mission driving your creative journey?

The most important aspect of my creative journey is to always prioritize the emotions my clients will experience. Simply creating a perfume or designing bold architecture isn’t enough for project success. My mission is to truly understand the emotions I want to evoke through the systems I implement. This emotional core guides the selection of each element, not the other way around. In today’s high-tech world, it’s crucial to infuse projects with poetry and creativity to spark genuine, and hopefully unforgettable, emotions.

What do you find most rewarding about being a creative?

I believe the most rewarding aspect of being a creative is giving birth to a truly personal idea. It’s fulfilling to express your vision and see it come to life through a creative approach. There’s a distinct difference between an artist and a creative, in my view. An artist purely expresses and explores their worldview. A creative, on the other hand, serves a more specific objective. This objective can be self-defined or established in collaboration with a client. Regardless, the emphasis is on fulfilling a need. Both artists and creatives utilize immense imagination. However, creativity is often more guided, while artistic expression can be more radical. Ultimately, being creative means introducing solutions that prioritize emotion. It brings immense joy to reimagine the codes of a fast-paced world that can sometimes dehumanize our very essence.

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Walking into our new bakery, L’Annexe de Mamie Colette (Titusville, NJ), designed by Yann and the incredible team at Design Desirable, feels like stepping into a dream. They flawlessly captured our vision for an industrial-chic-cosy space that highlights the beautiful French region of Brittany. Throughout the entire process, Yann and his team were true partners. They actively listened to our ideas, challenged us with their own creative suggestions, and expertly navigated the complexities of remote co-creation. Their passion for design and infectious enthusiasm were evident in every step. They even managed to stay within our budget and timeline, no small feat! If you're looking for an interior designer who will go above and beyond to create a space that's both stunning and functional, look no further than Design Desirable. They're the perfect team to bring your vision to life, no matter how complex or unique.
Isabelle Noblanc
Yann Falquerho m’a aidé à modifier mon intérieur il y a quelques années. J’ai beaucoup apprécié qu’il me place au centre du projet et non qu’il plaque des recettes d’architecte chez moi ! Du coup, une fois que nous nous mîmes d’accord sur les transformations à apporter, j’ai rencontré son équipe d’artisans et la réalisation s’est effectuée de manière très fluide, harmonieuse. Yann Falquerho était extrêmement présent chaque jour pour contrôler, éventuellement rectifier, rassurer, apporter d’autres idées. Il fourmille d’idées, c’est génial ! J’ai adoré son professionnalisme, son goût raffiné, sa joie de vivre, son humour décapant, sa poésie, sa réactivité, son sens de la répartie. À rencontrer absolument dans les + brefs délais !
Colette Diard
Pur créatif, Yann Falquerho est un architecte hors norme, avec un sens inné de l'organisation des espaces qu'il sublime. Il a entièrement dessiné mon cabinet, puis réalisé les travaux avec une équipe d'entreprises compétentes et consciencieuses. Par son oeil et son sens du détail, il a fait de mon espace professionnel un lieu non seulement fonctionnel, mais aussi élégant et unique sur un plan esthétique. L'environnement qu'il a imaginé pour moi a aujourd'hui une vertu positive sur mon travail quotidien et sur ma clientèle qui s'y sent bien. Je ne peux donc que vous inviter à vous inscrire dans l'histoire de l'agence DESIGN DESIRABLE, qui offre de décoiffer les standards de la décoration.
Sophie Renouf
Si vous êtes à la recherche d’un architecte d’intérieur EXTRA ORDINAIRE, hyper professionnel, foisonnant d’idées, réactif, à l’écoute de ses clients… alors vous êtes à la bonne adresse ! Yann Falquerho a été le chef d’orchestre de la rénovation intégrale de notre maison : une belle réussite, une superbe aventure humaine. Un immense merci à Yann et à toute son équipe.
Christine Baron
Yann Falquerho est la personne la plus inventive et la plus créative que je connaisse ! Vous lui parlez des projets qui vous tiennent le plus à coeur… et le voilà qui imagine, suggère, innove, propose… des créations élégantes, toujours magnifiques, emplies des rêves d'enfance. C'est un bonheur absolu d'échanger avec lui et d'avoir l'impression de toucher les étoiles !
Isabelle Leize